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Dragons v Edinburgh

8 Jan, 2005


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragons Percy Mongomery is pulled down short of the line by Derrick Lee

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragon's Kevin Morgan is tackled by Brendan Laney

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragons Jason Forster scores try

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragons Ian Gough is tackled by David Callam

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragons Ian Gough is tackled by Andrew Kelly

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragons Rhys Thomas is tackled by David Callam

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragon's jamie Ringer heads for the line

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080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragons Steve Jones beats tackle by Matt Dey

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragon's Kevin Morgan is tackled by Alasdair Strkosch

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragon's Rhys Thomas is tackled by David Callam and Alasdair Strokosch

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragon's Adam Black is tackled David Callam

Huw Evans Agency


080105 - Newport Gwent Dragons v Edinburgh - Celtic League - Dragon's Steve Jones is tackled by Craig Smith

Huw Evans Agency