28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Lee Dickson of Northampton passes the ball.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Xavier Rush of Cardiff Blues is tackled by Roger Wilson of Northampton.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Rhys Thomas of Cardiff Blues is tackled by Phil Dowson of Northampton.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Gareth Thomas of Cardiff Blues is stopped by the Saints defence.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Gareth Thomas of Cardiff Blues is stopped by the Saints defence.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Gareth Thomas of Cardiff Blues is stopped by the Saints defence.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Gareth Thomas of Cardiff Blues is tackled by Phil Dowson of Northampton.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Dai Flanagan converts a penalty.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Gareth Thomas of Cardiff Blues takes on Paul Diggin of Northampton.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Rhys Thomas of Cardiff Blues leaves the field with an injury.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Richard Mustoe of Cardiff Blues tries to beat the Saints defence.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Cardiff Blues players look dejected at the end of the game.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues is tackled by Roger Wilson of Northampton.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Chris Czekaj of Cardiff Blues steps out of tackle.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues is tackled by Roger Wilson of Northampton.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Richard Mustoe of Cardiff Blues tries to beat the Saints defence.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
28.08.09 - Cardiff Blues v Northampton Saints - Pre-Season Friendly - Sam Norton-Knight of Cardiff Blues.
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency