22.09.09 - Rugby League New head coach of the Wales rugby league side Iestyn Harris at press conference alongside assistant coach, Clive Griffiths
Huw Evans Agency
22.09.09 - Rugby League New head coach of the Wales rugby league side Iestyn Harris at press conference alongside assistant coach, Clive Griffiths
Huw Evans Agency
22.09.09 - Rugby League New assistant coach of the Wales rugby league side Kevin Ellis at press conference
Huw Evans Agency
22.09.09 - Rugby League New assistant coach of the Wales rugby league side Clive Griffiths at press conference alongside head coach, Iestyn Harris
Huw Evans Agency
22.09.09 - Rugby League New head coach of the Wales rugby league side Iestyn Harris (ctr) alongside assistant coaches,Kevin Ellis and Clive Griffiths
Huw Evans Agency