160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath's Stephen Thomas is tackled by Andrew McLaughlan(lt) and Tom Edwards
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath Coach, Rowland Phillips looks on
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath's Gareth King is sandwiched by the Ebbw defence
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath Coach, Rowland Phillips looks on
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath's Aled Bevan kicks at goal
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath's Gareth King dives in for try
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath Coach Rowland Phillips confronts the referee's about the final kick of the game
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath Coach Rowland Phillips confronts the referee's about the final kick of the game
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath Coach Rowland Phillips confronts the referee's about the final kick of the game
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
160906 - Ebbw Vale v Neath - The Principality Premiership - Neath's Stephen Thomas is tackled by Andrew McLaughlan
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency