21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Craig Fitzgibbon, right, is tackled by Vince Mellars, left and Frank WInterstein.
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Jamie O Hara, right. tackles Hull's Richard Whiting
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Vince Mellars, right, tackles Hull's Shaun Berrigan.
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Nick Youngquest on the attack.
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Gareth Raynor, centre, is tackled by Hull's Richard Whiting, Mike Burnett and Lee Radford
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Eliot Keart is tackled by Craig Fitzgibbon
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Luke Dyer, Weller Hauraki and Michael Witt celebrate victory at the end of the game.
Huw Evans Agency
21.02.10 - Crusaders v Hull FC - Super League - Crusaders Adam Peet and Michael Witt, right clebrate the win over Hull.
Huw Evans Agency