220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Robin Copeland of Cardiff Blues, centre, is tackled by Connacht's Kieran Marmion
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Harry Robinson of Cardiff Blues scores
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Connacht's Willie Faloon steals the ball over from the Blue's attack
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Patchell of Cardiff Blues runs with the ball
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Taufa'ao Filise of Cardiff Blues, centre, holds off the tackle from Connacht's Brett Wilkinson (1) and Jason Harris-Wright (2)
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Gavin Evans of Cardiff Blues, centre, holds off the tackle from Connacht's Kieran Marmion
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Gavin Evans of Cardiff Blues, centre, makes a break
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Connacht's Andrew Browne is lifted higher than Michael Paterson of Cardiff Blues as they compete for the ball
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 -
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Rhys Patchell is tackled by Connacht's Eion Griffin
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Rhys Patchell kicks a goal
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Richard Smith is wrapped up by the Connacht defence
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Connacht's Jason Harris-Wright is sin binned
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Harry Robinson dives over to score
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Robin Copland takes on Connacht's Kieran Marimon
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Gavin Evans beats Connacht's Danie Poolman
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Kristian Dacey is tackled by Connacht's Kieran Marimon
Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Robin Copeland of Cardiff Blues scores despite the tackle of Connacht's Miah Nikora
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Robin Copeland of Cardiff Blues scores despite the tackle of Connacht's Miah Nikora
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Lewis Jones of Cardiff Blues, flicks the ball away from Connacht's Michael Swift
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Robin Copeland of Cardiff Blues scores despite the tackle of Connacht's Miah Nikora
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Benoit Bourrust of Cardiff Blues,is tackled by Connacht's Nathan White
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Scott Andrews of Cardiff Blues drops the ball on the last attack of the game
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Patchell of Cardiff Blues, misses his penalty kick
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Patchell of Cardiff Blues, misses his penalty kick
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Gavin Evans of Cardiff Blues, left, runs with the ball towards Connacht's Miah Nikora
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Williams of Cardiff Blues at the end of the match
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Connacht's Eoin Griffin, left, and Brian Murphy celebrate at the end of the match
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Connacht's Ethienne Reynecke, left, and Andrew Browne celebrate at the end of the game
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Ceri Sweeney and Taufa'ao Filise of Cardiff Blues at the end of the match
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Harry Robinson and Gavin Evans of Cardiff Blues at the end of the match
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Connacht's John Muldoon, left, celebrats with team mates Ethienne Reynecke and Miah Nikora (10)
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Connacht celebrate at the final whistle
Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Chris Czekaj & Richard Smith are dejected at the final whistle
Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Lewis Jones
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Lewis Jones
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Patchell
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Patchell
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Rhys Patchell
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 -
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Gavin Evans
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Chris Czekaj
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirectPro12 -Blues' Gavin Evans leaves the field dejected
Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Chris Czekaj of Cardiff Blues, centre, is tackled by Connacht's Andrew Browne, left, as Brian murphy closes in
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Robin Copeland of Cardiff Blues, centre, is tackled by Connacht's Michael Swift and Andrew White (3)
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency
220213 - Cardiff Blues v Connacht - RaboDirect PRO12 - Lewis Jones of Cardiff Blues, centre, is tackled by Connacht's Eoin McKeon
Paul Greenwood /Huw Evans Agency