061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency
061009 - Doctor Who Filming, Cardiff - The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, and his assistant Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan, during filming of the new series of Doctor Who in Cardiff
Huw Evans Agency