12.05.07 - Gavin Henson - Gavin Henson gets in some kicking practice prior to the match between Borders and Ospreys
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Gavin Henson - Gavin Henson gets in some kicking practice prior to the match between Borders and Ospreys
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Gavin Henson - Gavin Henson gets in some kicking practice prior to the match between Borders and Ospreys
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Nikki Walker is tackled by Calum MacRae
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Sonny Parker is tackled by Calum MacRae
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Nikki Walker is tackled by Calum MacRae
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Jason Spice takes on Rob Chrystie
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys James Hook breaks
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Shaun Conner is tackled by Kelly Brown
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' James Hook kicks conversion
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' James Hook releases the ball to set up Sonny Parkers try
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Sonny Parker celebrates his try
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Shaun Conner beats Andy Miller
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Filo Tiatia celebrates his try with Jason Spice(R)
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Filo Tiatia breaks away to score try
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Filo Tiatia breaks away to score try
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Gavin Henson - Gavin Henson gets in some kicking practice prior to the match between Borders and Ospreys
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Duncan Jones is tackled by Borders' Dougie Flockhart
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys celebrate winning the Magners League
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys celebrate winning the Magners League
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Sonny Parker breaks away from Borders' Kelly Brown
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' celebrate winning the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Shane Williams, Richie Pugh, Adam Jones Filo Tiatias,and Alun Wyn-Jones celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Duncan Jones, Shaun Connor and Paul James celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Ryan Jones celebrates with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' James Hook celebrates with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Coach, Sean Holley(L), James Hook and Head Coach, Lyn Jones(R) celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Alun Wyn Jones(L) and James Hook celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Paul James and Shane Williams(R) celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Alun Wyn Jones(L) and Shane Williams celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' James Hook celebrates with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Lyn Jones celebrates with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Shane Williams
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Captain, Duncan Jones leads out his team
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Sonny Parker and Shane Williams(R) take to the field
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys James Hook kicks at goal
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Shane Williams chips the ball past Bruce Douglas
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Ryan Jones celebrates winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - a Magners League touch judge
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - a Magners League touch judge
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys James Hook breaks
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Sonny Parker and James Hook(R)
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys front row, Adam Jones, Huw Bennett and Duncan Jones celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Huw Bennett and Jonathan Thomas celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Filo Tiatia, Duncan Jones and Alun Wyn Jones celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Ryan Jones Stefan Terblanche and Huw Bennett celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Coach, Sean Holley(L), James Hook and Head Coach, Lyn Jones(R) celebrate with the Magners League trophy
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Jonathan Thomas
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Jonathan Vaughton is supported by Lee Byrne, Lee Beach and james Hook
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Andrew Bishop is supported by Sonny Parker
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Richie Pugh
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Shane Williams
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Jonathan Thomas packs down
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Shane Williams
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - a Magners League touch judge
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Sonny Parker
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - a Magners League touch judge
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Martin Roberts, Shaun Conner, Lee Beach and Paul James celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Nikki Walker is held
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Jason Spice,Alun Wyn Jones Stefan Terblanche and Shane Williams celebrate winning the Magners League
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07 - Borders v Ospreys - Magners League - Ospreys Brent Cockbain takes to the field
Ben Evans/Huw Evans Agency
12.05.07...Border Reivers v Ospreys, Magners League Ospreys' Sonny Parker breaks away from Borders' Kelly Brown
Gareth Everett/Huw Evans Agency